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Vakseen: 'Heart in the Paint'

Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint Heart in the Paint
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen
Heart in the Paint by Vakseen

Acrylic on Wood
30" x 40" x 1.5"
Purchase: $8,500